Sven Kielhorn
eTown Videos
P 413-324-1130

Video Highlights Major Planning Strategies For Bi-state Region

Southampton, Massachusetts: eTown Videos, a full service video production company based in Southampton, Massachusetts recently completed a video project telling the compelling story of the plans for the “Sustainable Knowledge Corridor”.

The video production is a companion piece to the bi-state action agenda prepared by the Sustainable Knowledge Corridor Consortium, a partnership made up of representatives from Connecticut and Massachusetts municipalities and organizations. The Consortium was formed to oversee a bi-state planning project which is laying the foundation for preserving, creating and maintaining an economically competitive and equitable Knowledge Corridor Region.”The return of the Vermonter rail service is one of many exciting developments planned for our region. It’s been a truly transformational experience for our production team to have had the opportunity to highlight the planning strategies of the action agenda.”, explains Sven Kielhorn, Creative & Marketing Director of eTown Videos.

(New England’s Sustainable Knowledge Corridor. Summary Video Version)

The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) and the Capital Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) engaged the video production services of eTown Videos to create a centerpiece video to accompany the bi-state action agenda. The video is shown at meetings of project stakeholders, cable access television, and the web. The total run time of the full video is 18 minutes. Additionally, eTown Videos created a 3-minute summary version and four video segments that focus on the major themes of a connected, competitive, vibrant, and green Knowledge Corridor. The topic-focused videos are developed for audiences with interests in transportation, housing, or other topics included in the bi-state action agenda.

(Full Video Version. England’s Sustainable Knowledge Corridor)

About eTown Videos: eTown Videos is a video production company for small businesses and large brands. eTown Videos, located in Southampton, MA, was founded in Easthampton, MA in 2006 and produces marketing and training videos.
