Producing an attention-grabbing video to attract customers and sales leads at your next trade show

Preparing a trade show booth and a trade show video production can be a daunting task for many business representatives. To “wow” the trade show and convention visitors is of particular importance. Ideally, you’d like the video’s effect to last long after the trade show or convention is over. Here are several key points to produce a captivating four-minute loop for your trade show video booth.


  1. Filming and editing in high-definition is a must, and most visitors will probably expect the crisp hi-def video display. Here at eTown Videos, we made the investment in high definition professional video equipment a few years ago. Obviously, be certain to arrange for a large screen HD TV for your booth, the size of the monitor will depend on the size of your booth.
  2. Make sure the video production team creates a video that demonstrates an understanding of your buyer personas (e.g. customers, donors, students, members, etc). The video needs to speak to your customers. You want your customers’ interest in seeing how your product or services solve their problems and satisfy their needs. Many video producers overlook this critical marketing point and focus excessively on product features and benefits. While that is helpful to an extent, more importantly, the video must repeatedly show the customer how your product or service solves their problems or satisfies their needs at an affordable cost.
  3. Use a professional script developer who is experienced in Marketing and PR with particular emphasis on trade shows and conventions. It is important for the script developer to understand your industry and that he or she has the skills necessary to research your industry and learn about your products, services and buyers. For example, eTown Videos’ expertise is the creation of professional video productions. By partnering with highly skilled script developers who have worked on many trade show projects, our scripts play an important roll in storyboard development and drive the entire film production.
  4. Using a professional voice over talent for your video narration is equally important. Authoritative yet friendly and enthusiastic is the preferred tone for many trade show video productions.
  5. The music track which will underscore the video production should be appropriate in style and tempo.
  6. The video is designed to attract trade show visitors to your booth; therefore,  your script and video production should include a call to action (e.g. fill out a form for more information, speak with a company representative, ask for a sample). Keep your interested visitors engaged!
  7. Create a shorter one minute teaser video which could be distributed prior to the trade show to your company’s YouTube Channel, Facebook Fans, Twitter Followers, email list or right to your company website. In fact, the completed trade show video production will also serve as a marketing tool in future sales promotions.
  8. Last but not least, everybody loves videos, and a well produced eye-catching video with a call-to-action will significantly increase the likelihood  of potential clients stopping to talk with you at your booth.