A promotional video should be between 30 and 120 seconds, here’s why:

There are some exceptions to this rule of the maximum two minute run time but it’s a general guide which will work well for marketers and their online video marketing campaigns. We have been working with many businesses in Western Massachusetts, Vermont, and Connecticut, and experience tells us that viewers and visitors will stop watching your video if your video is running longer than two or perhaps two and a half minutes. The attention span of web servers is short and let’s face it – folks are busy. People want information in a short, concise and entertaining manner.

Video Marketing Goals: If your marketing goal is to introduce your company with a short introductory marketing video or to help drive sales for specific services or products then I would have the following recommendations:

A general introductory promotional video could include interviews, B roll footage of your staff and office, and general highlights of your products, services, and company history.

If your goal is to create an attention grabbing 30 or 60 second video – perhaps launching a new product or simply to draw some attention to your business then I would recommend a video that includes some well thought-out motion graphics. Motion graphics and visual effects can communicate  concepts or ideas extremely effectively while making web viewers aware of your brand and the solutions you offer. Motion graphics can be tricky – be sure not to overdo it with visual effects.

We have recently completed video productions for several businesses in Northampton and Easthampton, Massachusetts which include the above-mentioned video marketing styles. I invite you to take a look at our homepage and watch some of our recent video productions and I welcome any comments or questions that you may have.

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